Although officially spring kicked in nearly a month ago, each tree has its own special conditions and triggers that wake them up.
Here in Tulare county, California, walnut trees are waking up as evident by leaves coming out and captured by our own customer success manager, Ryan Vieira.

After winter's dormancy, trees' water demand starts to build up as fruit production processes are accelerated. In this transition period between seasons, farmers look to provide the right amount of water for their trees' growing demand.
Being connected constantly via plant-sensors, Phytech's customers monitor their trees' real-time water demand and can optimize irrigation accordingly - from their mobile. hashtag#agtechhashtag#digitalfarminghashtag#irrigationhashtag#walnuthashtag#walnutshashtag#treeshashtag#orchardshashtag#smartfarminghashtag#remoteirrigationhashtag#remotefarminghashtag#smartirrigationhashtag#precisionaghashtag#futureoffarminghashtag#plantbasedfarminghashtag#cropsciencehashtag#precisionfarminghashtag#precisionaghashtag#agriculturehashtag#precisionagriculture