We wanted to let you know that we are making some updates to our Phytech Terms of Use. We are making these updates to support our evolving business and new features, and, from time to time, we adjust our fees to better align with the value we provide.
These terms will apply as of January 1, 2025 for new customers. For prior and existing customers, like you, these terms will be effective beginning on March 14, 2024. Until then, the terms of our prior agreement apply.
We encourage you to review the updated Terms of Use in full and save a copy for your files. Once effective, it will govern your use and enjoyment of your Phytech subscription. We are as committed as ever to making sure you have a meaningful experience with Phytech.
We have highlighted some of the changes for your reference:
We're updating aspects of payment terms and are now offering you new ways to pay your annual invoice in monthly or quarterly installments
We're adding terms for application of charges for late payment of invoices
Thank you for being part of the Phytech community.
The Phytech Team