We're happy to announce two new improvements included in our latest update (Dec. 9th, 2024):
Hydraulic layer on plant - Enhances irrigation management by integrating hydraulic data directly into the plant app.
Define rootzone depth - Directly from the soil graphs (web & mobile)
The hydraulic layer on plant*
The hydraulic on plant feature helps monitor the locations and data of hydraulic components such as valves, pumps, and filters, directly within the plant app and its associated data cards, integrating hydraulic and agronomic data to simplify irrigation decisions.
This feature is relevant for all users monitoring field-level irrigation and hydraulic components, especially those managing large agronomic plots.
*Important note: To enjoy this feature pls contact your CSM
Valve polygons and blue drops
Valve polygons are marked with black borders (0% opacity).
Blue drops icons move from the plot’s center to the valve center.

Project card (1 Valve connected)
Pressure data: Pressure information is displayed in the project card.
Graph toggle: A toggle button allows users to open/close the graph.
Threshold Toggle: A toggle button allows users to show or hide threshold lines on the graph.
Switch sensors: If switch sensors are available, users can toggle between pressure and switch views

Project card (2 Valves connected)
Multiple graphs: If more than one valve is connected to the project, graphs for each valve can be displayed.
Valve-specific toggle: Each graph can be toggled on/off using the valve’s name button.

Coming soon - More hydraulic data on the plant app
More components displayed on the map

Components' data card

Define rootzone depth
Currently, the rootzone depth, which determines the average rootzone soil graph and influences key calculations such as SAT, stress line, soil moisture prediction, and irrigation recommendations, is fixed at 1ft (30 cm) across all projects.
With this update, you can now adjust this parameter to align better with the specific root system and irrigation practices in each field.

That's it for now, stay tuned for our next product update
For more information contact your CSM or send an email to support@phytech.com