It's springtime here in Chelan County, WA and it's beautiful. Nature continues on its course (naturally...) and our growers are busy supplying their trees exactly what they need in order to produce better yields

Our team of technicians (with Iftach Shalev Rosenbach) is here to support them.
Timing is everything when considering cherry trees, where blossom is at its peak and pollination takes place. Within the short cherry season, it won't be long before water demand will increase together with the hashtag#fb hashtag#place hashtag#teampower hashtag#extra hashtag#status temperatures and fruits development.

Everyday is critical so by getting real-time plant-status - from the trees to their smartphones - our customers are able to optimize production wherever they are. Staying home, but still staying in total control. Stay Safe. Stay Strong. hashtag#agtech hashtag#digitalfarming hashtag#smartirrigation hashtag#irrigation hashtag#growers hashtag#washington hashtag#cherry hashtag#trees hashtag#smartfarming @ hashtag#precisionfarming hashtag#precisionag hashtag#dripirrigation hashtag#digitalagriculture hashtag#futurefarming hashtag#plantbasedfarming