As the almond season in the northern hemisphere shifts gears with rising temperatures and increased water demand, it is important to conduct a system check-up to ensure that when the valves are opened, every drop will be delivered precisely as intended to the orchards.
Ensuring that all irrigation issues are promptly addressed is important for long-term success throughout the remainder of the season," emphasizes Customer Success Manager, Mark Sherfy.
"Phytech's IoT network of in-field sensors covers key hydraulic components from the pond to the block level, which provides growers a straightforward and efficient means of ensuring optimal water and fertilizer delivery, which is essential for maximizing yields," explains Ziv Attia, PhD, Head of Agronomy.
AlmondBeat 2023 #2: irrigation check-up: 5 tools that help detect issues and be prepared for a crucial part of the season
1) Pressure Indicators On The Map View
In the map view you can also see that the irrigation is working where it's needed in block that are starting to develop stress, as indicated by an orange color.

2) The Pressure Layer
Switching to the pressure layer is also a great way to understand pressure distribution across an area. Focus on a group, valve or a variety, to spot low or high pressure issues in the plots and adapt your plans from the "planning" tab . Pressure alerts are triggered when zero or low pressures are detected, which helps growers quickly track and react to irrigation problems and avoid yield-affecting stress events.

3) Deep Dive Into Water Monitoring With The Irrigation Pop-up
Clicking on a block gives you further information regarding actual performance.

4) System Monitoring Feature: Seeing The Big Picture
Phytech customers who enjoy full or partial hydraulic monitoring get enhanced visibility of their operation's main components (pond level, pump, main valve, filters, etc.) status, alerts, actuals and past performance.

5) NDVI Maps
Switching to the NDVI layer is another approach to detect pressure issues in the field. With such a high frequency of images (every 5 days), growers can recognize anomalies in the block, and check if they are irrigation-related.
